Culver City, CA – Still reeling from his recent diagnoses with stage-4 pancreatic cancer, beloved quiz-show host Alex Trebek was dismayed Friday when God answered his morning prayer by insisting that he rephrase it in the form of a question.
“Please, Father, don’t let me die from cancer,” Trebek humbly prayed. “If I must die, make it from some exotic sounding disease– that’s fun to pronounce.”
After The Almighty calmly prompted him to try again using the proper form, Trebek continued: “Lord, might it be possible that you can heal me?”
“Can you be more specific?” God asked impatiently.
“My cancer! Heal my cancer,” Trebek pleaded.
“Was that a question?” the now clearly annoyed Deity replied.
“God Almighty! can you please heal my cancer??”
“Judges?” God inquired.
“Judges?!” An exasperated Trebek exclaimed. “You’re the judge! And I’m begging you for my life! I have so much to live for! I have a wife and two children, a great career as a…”
“Good for you!” God interrupted, and then moved on.