Corpus Christi, TX – In the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, nearly four million Texans are without electricity and internet, cutting them off from the liberal media’s relentless campaign to fool the nation into believing the unproven theory of man-made climate change. Residents of 17 Southeast Texas counties are, for the time being, safe from the manipulative fear-mongering of climate-scientists who continually whine about global warming causing more powerful and devastating storms. Governor Greg Abbot expressed the collective relief felt by the people of Texas: “At a time of crisis like this, the last thing Texans need is fake CNN and the failing New York Times telling them some cockamamie story propagated by China to hurt the American economy. Make no mistake: When the flood waters subside, the first thing we Texans will do is replace our destroyed gas-guzzling pick-up trucks with brand new ones that get even worse mileage. ’cause suck it, Wapo.”