
Cedar Park, TX – 15-year-old Ainsley Palmer was reportedly shocked Tuesday evening after discovering that her father’s comments on her Facebook post were actually pretty funny. “I love my dad,” Ainsley stated. “But he’s pretty lame, in general. So when I saw a notification pop up and thought of my all my friends seeing his corny puns and total lack of internet savvy, I was petrified. Then I read them and was like, “wtf? He won that thread.”

“And it wasn’t just what he said,” the teen continued. “It was the fact that he used Facebook correctly. He even incorporated relevant memes, tag groups, and internet-speak in a hip way. The amount of time he must be spending on Facebook groups and subreddit comments to be that up-to-date, honestly kind of worries me.”

We reached out to Mr. Palmer for comment via twitter and did receive a response, however, we could not decipher the caption under his badly layered images of puppers and sneks that read, “Henlo angel bb, smol bean @ainSLAY2003 did a learn #hashtagfeels”