
Nerds across the Nation were left reeling Monday on news of the death of Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee. The brokenhearted legion of mom’s basement-dwellers took solace however in a rumor making the rounds on reddit that the Marvel master himself will make an annoyingly obvious and self-indulgent cameo appearance at his own funeral.

Marvel Studios appeared to confirm the rumor Wednesday when they issued a statement refusing to confirm the rumor: “Marvel can neither confirm nor deny that Stan Lee will appear as a charmingly senile pallbearer at his own funeral who will get distracted by Scarlet Johannson’s cleavage and subsequently drop the casket. But if Mr. Lee were to make such an appearance, it’s certainly not something any Marvel fan would want to miss.”

In case any funeral goers don’t notice Mr. Lee’s unsubtle grab for attention, Marvel plans to have a snickering boy adorned in headgear whisper loudly enough for everyone to hear, “That’s Stan Lee! He’s the guy who created the Marvel franchise, he does these cameos in all his movies.” And he will continue: “He’s the guy whose funeral this is… If you wait ’til after the credits there’s usually a spoiler too.”